Welcome to 'Practical Foundations'

These pages are dedicated to enabling you to do the things that help a church to run well. Whilst there is a lot of information in the public forum about leading churches, there seems to be a lot less about running them. 


You'll find templates, plans, guides and tips on some of the key elements of church life. These are all based on the lived experience I've had in different roles at St Denys Church, including being a warden, community worker, and most recently, vicar!


I offer these to you so you don't need to always start from scratch, but can instead adapt what already exists. This is a work-in-progress, and I hope to add it over time. But in the meantime, I hope you find something that makes your life a little easier and helps your church to flourish!


A huge thanks to all of the St Denys Church team past and present who have helped me learn a lot about running a church. And a special mention to Kelly Worthington at Highfield Church, Southampton, who is a master of the practicalities and logistics of church life, and who has taught me many precious lessons.


As I say again and again to the teams I'm part of: 'Feel free to use or adapt' or maybe just pick out one helpful idea and see where it takes you.'


Blessings as you work on your foundations


Using the Digital World

Tips and guides to help folk use phones, emails, social media wisely and thoughtfully

Caring Well

Some principles and guides to equip folk to appropriately support people facing struggles

Nurturing Kids

Resources and ideas especially for when you don't have a specialist kids worker.

Policies and PCC Matters 

Templates and guides to lighten the load and enable these to be a blessing.

Risk Assessments 

Risk assessments for different types of activities for you adapt

Volunteers and Roles

A range of role descriptions for you to adapt

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