Gardening Group

The St Denys Church grounds are one of the few green spaces in the neighbourhood, offering an oasis for those walking past or travelling through the community. We know better than ever the benefits of green spaces for our health and wellbeing and part of our mission is to encourage wildlife for the enjoyment of all and to do our bit for conservation.



The grounds needs regular upkeep and if you are interested in gardening, whether or not you attend the church, you may want to join us in maintaining and enhancing this space. A group of volunteers get together once a month to help with a range of tasks suitable for any ability including pruning, weeding, tidying, litter-picking as well as more ambitious projects! It’s rewarding, sociable and fun, and a great way to get involved in church and community life.





There's often work to do be done in the different areas of the church grounds. So come along to the group and look for Dave (in the blue jacket on the photo above) and he will guide you as to the work that needs to be done. He'll also provide a cuppa and biscuit when you're all ready for a break. 




We meet on the second Saturday morning of the month in the autumn, winter and spring between 9.30 & 12. And then in the summer we change to Monday evenings between 7pm & 8pm. To find out when upcoming sessions are, just check the calendar below.


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