Statement of Safeguarding Policy
At St Denys Church we recognise that the few who are determined to harm children or adults, deliberately seek out groups or organisations where they can meet children or other vulnerable people. The Church is particularly vulnerable to these people. Creating and maintaining a safeguarding culture will discourage them from becoming involved for the wrong reasons and make it difficult for them to harm or abuse children or adults if they do.
In order to assist with the creation of a safeguarding culture we have:
1. appointed a Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO)
Janine Finney
Phone Number – 07308129097
2. adopted appropriate policies and committed to the following practise guidelines
the House of Bishops’ Safer Recruitment Policy
the House of Bishop’s Safeguarding Policy
Winchester Diocese Parish Safeguarding Handbook
3. taken out appropriate and up to date insurance
St Denys Church is insured for all activities undertaken in the name of the PCC which involve children and vulnerable adults by Ecclesiastical Insurance.
4. displayed the following on the church site
- details of the PSO (above)
- other appropriate contacts within our Ministry Team - contact details for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Jackie Rowlands
01962 737317 -
Helplines and further information
No Limits
Offering advice, counselling, advocacy and support for people under 26 years of age in Southampton and Hampshire
023 8022 4224
Stop it Now
Confidential helpline preventing child abuse
0808 1000 900
A free private and confidential service
0800 111111
Action on Elder Abuse
Confidential help and advice on all aspects on the abuse of older people
0808 8088 141
Domestic Violence
Support and information for anyone experiencing or seeking to help someone experiencing domestic and relationship abuse
0800 2000 247
We commit to the following responses
- Creating an environment, which is welcoming and respectful and enables safeguarding concerns to be raised and responded to openly, promptly and consistently;
- Having procedures in place to deal promptly with safeguarding allegations or suspicions of abuse in accordance with the relevant policy and practice guidance and in consultation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser;
- Reporting all safeguarding concerns or allegations against church officers to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser;
- Ensuring that known offenders or others who may pose a risk to children and/or vulnerable adults are effectively managed and monitored in consultation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser;
- Compliance with all data protection legislation especially in regard to storing information about the ‘church workforce’. Including volunteers and any safeguarding records;
- Ensuring that an “activity risk assessment” is completed and reviewed regularly for each activity, which is associated with either children or vulnerable adults, and run in the name of the Church.
The independent review by Keith Makin in the Church of Englands handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth has been published and is avialable to read here.