Autumn Bible Study Resource for Small Groups or Individuals- Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians

Autumn Bible Study Resource for Small Groups or Individuals- Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians

Autumn Bible Study Resource for Small Groups or Individuals- Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians

# Bible Blog

Autumn Bible Study Resource for Small Groups or Individuals- Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians

Earthy Spirituality for Everyday Christians: David’s Life- Sessions 1-4 

Based on 1 Samuel 16- 1 Samuel 20 &  the book 'Leap Over the Wall' by Eugene Peterson

Aware of what a demanding time these past few months have been, I was really inspired and encouraged in my faith this summer by Eugene Peterson's reflections on the life of David in his book 'Leap Over the Wall.  I think there's real value in us exploring David's story and reflecting on Peterson's wisdom, and so I've written a series for Small Groups and Individuals which you might find helpful. The first four sessions are below: Introduction, Everyday People, Work & Imagination

This material can be used as part of your Small Group, Support Hub or for individual reflection. It is springboard to discussion, reflection, prayer and worship, and not a comprehension exercise! You know yourself and your group best, so integrate and adapt this material in a way that works for you. Each session has an audio reflection by Sera based on the Bible passage and a chapter from  ‘Leap over the Wall’, these are available online in the Church’s Bible Study Resources. The book ‘Leap Over the Wall’ by Eugene Peterson is a resource for the reflection material. There’s no need to read or buy the whole book in order to do this study, but if you want to go into more detail this is an option.

 Session 1 Introduction (for use as part of a social, or combined with a longer Session 2)


·        Catch up with the everyone in the group- what are you thankful for, what is on your mind?

·        Engage - what words spring to mind when you think of David (in the Old Testament?)

Reflection: Learning from David’s Story & Leap over the Wall chapter 1

         -Listen to Sera’ reflection on David’s Story: Session 1, available the Church's Online Bible Study Resources

         -Is there anything that surprises, challenges or encourages you, or that you want to question in this reflection?

         -Earthy spirituality characterises David’s life ‘Earthy: down-to-earth, dealing with everydayness, praying while doing the laundry, singing in the snarl of traffic. Spiritual: moved and animated by the Spirit of God and therefore alive to God.’ (Peterson p11) To what extent does it characterise your life and our life?


         - Is there one thing aspect of your life where the earthy and the spiritual need to be more closely connected?    

        -  What do you want to say to God in response to today’s session?



Session 2: Everyday People


·        Catch up with the everyone in the group- what are you thankful for, what is on your mind?

·        Engage - Can you name some people whose words and actions have influenced your faith journey, and yet were surprising, understated or unlikely people?

Bible Reading

         Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13

         Who do you think are the significant characters in these events, and what do we learn about each of them?

         What does God's choice of future-king, show about God? about people?

Reflection: Learning from David’s Story & Leap over the Wall chapter 2

·        Listen to Sera’ reflection on David’s Story Session 2, available from the Church Online Bible Study Resources

·        Is there anything that surprises, challenges or encourages you, or that you want to question in this reflection?

·        We are called to be a kingdom of Everyday People who show 'that God & humans have something to do with one another, everything to do with one another'. How can we do this?


         Identify one situation/relationship where you can help make visible the connection between God and Everyday People (maybe in a surprising, understated or unlikely ways)?

         What do you want to say to God in response to today’s session?



Session 3: Work


·        Catch up with the everyone in the group- what are you thankful for, what is on your mind?

·        Engage - What are the best and worst bits of your ‘work’? (Note ‘work’ does not just mean employment. It includes the different ways you are constructive/diligent/responsible)

Bible Reading

·        Read 1 Samuel 16:14-23

·        What strikes you about  the work of Saul, his servants and David?

·        In what ways is God 'at work' in these events?

Reflection: Learning from David’s Story & Leap over the Wall chapter 3

         Listen to Sera’ reflection on David’s Story Session 3, available from the Church's Online Bible Study Resources

         Is there anything that surprises, challenges or encourages you in this reflection?

         Consider: If God's sovereign work is to 'bring order out of chaos, guard & fight for the sanctity of things and people, deliver victims from injustice and misfortune and wretchedness, grant pardon to the condemned and damned; heal sickness; by being present bring dignity and honour to the people and land' (p31), then how can our work be an extension of this?


          Identify one new way that your 'work' can reflect the idea that 'Work is the primary context for our spirituality ...for experiencing God, for obeying Jesus, for receiving the Spirit' 

          What do you want to say to God in response to today’s session?



Session 4: Imagination


·        Catch up with the everyone in the group- what are you thankful for, what is on your mind?

·        Engage - What are the main factors that shape how you view the world and situations? (eg for me this summer, the constant news feed on Covid was a big factor)

Bible Reading

       Read 1 Samuel 17:12-50 (or feel free to read the whole chapter!)

       'The meaning of stories don't change, but they do deepen' Is there anything particular that strikes you as you revisit a story that is very familiar?

       What different perspectives do people involved in the events, have of the Goliath-situation? What do you think has influenced these different perspectives?      

Reflection: Learning from David’s Story & Leap over the Wall chapter 4

       Listen to Sera’ reflection on David’s Story Session 4, available from the Church's Online Bible Study Resources

       Is there anything that surprises, challenges or encourages you in this reflection?

       Consider: In David's story, 'we find ourselves faced with acquiring a God-dominated imagination and rejecting a Goliath-dominated imagination.' Can you identify a situation or relationship in your life where you need to move from a Goliath-shaped to a God-shaped imagination?


     Identify one way you can nurture a God-dominated, rather than a Goliath-dominated imagination.  

     What do you want to say to God in response to today’s session?



Future Sessions in the next blog: Friendship, Sanctuary, Wilderness, Beauty, Company, Generosity & Grief

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