After The Storms

After The Storms

After The Storms

# Bible Blog

After The Storms

'After the Storms' is a Bible Study series that comes from a place of questions & not answers. Questions around how we process all we've journeyed through, how we take the next steps, and what God might be whispering to us in it. We’ll explore the actions, thoughts and encounters that a few people had in the Old & New Testament, after they had experienced various ‘storms’ and invite God to use these explorations and encounters to shape our own lives ‘after the storms’.

There are 6 studies in the series

Click on the link after each study for the relevant Bible Study Notes. 

1) Noah emerging from the ark after the flood. Click here for Study Notes. And here if you want to go directly to the audio reflection.

2) Elijah recovering after an exhausting time. Click here for Study Notes. And here if you want to go directly to the audio reflection.

3) Naomi returning home after famine and loss. Click here for the Study Notes. And here to go directly to the audio reflection. 

4) Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem after the exile. Click here for the Study Notes. And here to go directly to the audio reflection.

5) Peter revisiting his roots after Jesus' death and resurrection. Click here for the Study Notes. And here to go directly to the audio reflection.

6) Peter (again!) rethinking his views after a dream and a visit to Cornelius. Click here for the Study Notes. And here to go directly to the audio reflection.

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