Home-grown Inspiring Prayers

Home-grown Inspiring Prayers

Home-grown Inspiring Prayers

# Discipleship

Home-grown Inspiring Prayers

I love it when someone prays out loud and puts into words some of the half-formed thoughts, feelings and passions that are rattling around inside of me. 

Last Sunday at St Denys Church, Robert did just that. His prayers said so much and helped us all pray.

So, we're sharing them here with you, in case you find them helpful too. 

May you be blessed

Sera & Robert

Prayer 1: Thanks & Offering

Thank you for the gifts you have given us – individually and collectively – and help us to use them to further your Kingdom here on earth

 Eyes to see and perceive

 Ears to hear and listen

 Hands to work and create

 Minds to think and innovate

Memories to remember and learn from

Hearts to love and worship

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Prayer 2: Confession

Lord, we confess that we have not always followed your words. There have been moments when we chose other options...

We chose to join in the gossip and not to speak out on behalf of the misunderstood.

We chose to take sides with the strong, because we feared the consequences of being found alongside the weak.

We fired back a text in anger,

We hit ‘send’ on an email in the heat of the moment,

We spoke a harsh word of judgement and we regret the fact that what has been said can’t be taken back.

We allowed pride to get the better of us.

 We ask for your forgiveness and mercy, Lord.

We thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve, and Your love and your word permit a new start.

As we move on from this place, may others see a difference in us, May we surprise others with the gift of forgiveness and our capacity to move on and make fresh starts.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer…..


Prayer 3: For People Facing the Week Ahead

Lord God, we pray for our community:

For teachers as they bring to fruition their preparations for the new school year.

For our children and young people as their summer holidays come to an end and they prepare for new classes, schools and places of education and learning.

For health and social care workers in their mission to improve the wellbeing of those who are sick and unwell.

For those in the armed forces as they prepare for their next challenges in a dangerous world.

For volunteers, carers and those who undertake work for which they are not paid.

For our church today and in the coming weeks as we discern your will

Lord, guide and inspire our community, in all we do this week and beyond.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer…….


Prayer 4: Help & blessing for those in trouble & fear

Lord we pray for all people who are in trouble and fear today:

For those who are sad because someone they have loved had died

For those who are anxious because someone is ill or in pain

For those who are lonely because someone they love is not there for them.

Lord, bless:

Those who are tired because they have too much to do

Those who are struggling with finance or are facing the prospect of unemployment

Those who are unhappy because of an unkind word or action.

Lord, surround those in need with your wisdom, your spirit, your healing and your life-giving peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer


Prayer 5: For Friends & Followers of Christ

Lord, you call us to follow in your footsteps.

Help us to know what this looks like in each situation where we find ourselves.

Help us to know when following you means washing the feet of others,

When it means turning over tables,

When it means giving hospitality to an outsider,

When it means breaking down the barriers that divide people from each other in the homes where we live, the places we work, the communities where we worship.

We grieve the fact that our world is divided and we ask that you work powerfully in our small lives and our big world to break down the walls that divide and hold us back from reaching out to others,

Which prevent us from seeing the best in other people, in other cultures,

Which stop your love getting in, and your blessing getting out.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

Prayer 6: A Burning Bush Prayer (inspired by our Bible reading on Sunday: Exodus 3:1-15)

Heavenly Father, open our eyes to the burning bush in our lives. 

May we, like Moses, have reverence in the presence of Your majesty. 

Help us to hear You, and give us the courage to share Your message. 

You have made us and have a plan for our lives;

a plan to show Your glory. 

Despite our faults, shortcomings, and sins, help us to go forth to wherever You send us.

We pray for his majesty the King and the Royal Family as we approach the first anniversary of his accession to the throne.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer...


Prayer 7: Offering ourselves

Lord, In deep gratitude for this moment, this place, this world

We give ourselves to you. Take us out, to live as changed people, because we have been touched by the living Lord, and cannot remain the same.

Living Lord, accept our lives and accept our prayers this day and every day.

You have the words of eternal life and in you we trust.



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