The Lyrics of 'A Christmas Wish' by Andrew Fisher

The Lyrics of 'A Christmas Wish' by Andrew Fisher

The Lyrics of 'A Christmas Wish' by Andrew Fisher

# News

The Lyrics of 'A Christmas Wish' by Andrew Fisher

Many folk have they have told me that there were deeply moved by the song composed by Andy, and sung by Lucy & the choir at the Carols by Candlelight last week: 'A Christmas Wish' 

There was a sense that the words were expressing a prayer that many were wanting to pray. And so I checked with Andy if I could share his words, and he kindly said 'yes'. 

So we offer them to you this Christmas

A Christmas Wish: 
Words and Music by Andrew Fisher ©2021

I have a Christmas wish
As we gather and be glad
That you would wipe away each tear
Of everyone who’s sad
For those who struggle all alone
Bring them friendship, bring them mirth
I have a Christmas wish
It’s simply Peace on Earth

I have a Christmas wish
Oh God help the wars to end
That those who see a foe
Could learn to see a friend
As choirs sings of three wise men
Shepherds, Angels, Jesus’ birth
Oh Lord, my Christmas wish
Is simply Peace on Earth

Bring Peace On Earth
Bring Peace On Earth
Bring Peace On Earth

I have a Christmas wish
Start it in my heart and mind
Although I’m small and flawed and frail
Lord help me yet be kind
Though many war in many lands
Help me seek peace with all my worth
I leave it in your hands
Bring us Peace on Earth

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