Desert Island Worship Vol. 10: Terry

Desert Island Worship Vol. 10: Terry

Desert Island Worship Vol. 10: Terry

# Desert Island Worship

Desert Island Worship Vol. 10: Terry

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This week Terry has five pieces of music for us, and has written about why they are important to her.

Listen to Terry's Playlist ↑
  1. The first hymn I learned and loved is All Things Bright and Beautiful. We sang it at assembly and it made me realise the immense works God had carried out to make this wonderful world of ours.

  2. Jesus Christ is Risen Today. I sang with The Madding Crowd at an Easter Day service one time and afterwards a member of the congregation came over and said he had never before realised what the hymn really meant; it had been just part of the service, but now, having heard it sung with joy and feeling, he knew the true meaning of Easter Day.

  3. Eternal Father, Strong to Save. The Madding Crowd sang this earlier in the year at the funeral of a dearly loved member of our group. John had asked for this hymn because of his long association with Sea Scouts. I stood beside Charlotte in the alto section and although we sang the alto line for a few bars, we simultaneously switched to the tune and threw our arms around each other's shoulders. This powerful hymn prays for the safety of sailors but also to me will now always signify the God-given joy of long-standing friendship.

  4. Be Merry All. When, many years ago, Dudley and I were asked to help with the initial Sunday Lunch Project to feed the homeless and lonely on Sundays, I prayed long and hard. I have always been a coward and feared that the clients would be rough, unpleasant people and when we agreed to help, we fond they were just poor souls who had suffered troubles which made them withdraw from the regular world. They called me 'The Lasagne Lady' and waved when I saw them in the park, and I happily waved back. This carol teaches us that although we are blessed with warm homes and clothes and plenty to eat, we mustn't forget those who have little or nothing and don't have these luxuries.

  5. 'God so Loved the World' from Stainer's Crucifixion. Most Good Fridays Dudley and I go to Beaulieu Abbey Church and take part in Stainer's Crucifixion. This is our act of worship for Good Friday. And 'God so Loved the World' is the piece that says it all really. God has given us so many wonderful gifts: compassion, friendship, love, faith, appreciation, music. Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God.

Many thanks to The Madding Crowd who kindly gave us permission to use Be Merry All from their CD. ℗ The Madding Crowd 2004.

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