Celebrating Cat's Ordination in Bristol

Celebrating Cat's Ordination in Bristol

Celebrating Cat's Ordination in Bristol

# News

Celebrating Cat's Ordination in Bristol

It was an utter delight to join with Cat, Sam, her family, friends, fellow curates,  and members of her new church community (plus 2 bishops and an archdeacon!) as she was finally ordained deacon at a service in Bristol Cathedral this week.

Due to administrative delays with her DBS, Cat was unable to be ordained in the summer, and whilst she has been able to start her curacy role, she has not been in an ordained role. Until this week. 

There was a point in the service where the question is asked of the congregation: 'Friends, you have heard how great is the charge that this ordinand is ready to undertake... Ss it your will that she should be ordained?' Well, you should have heard how loud and heartfelt the response was as we all declared 'It is!'

It's been a tough time of waiting for Cat, and I thought I'd share with you her own words that were printed in the order of service.

Let's rejoice with Cat, but also let's pray for her, that from the 'spark of redemption' a great fire might grow.

Sera and Hannah
October 2024

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