PCC Agenda: January 2022

PCC Agenda: January 2022

PCC Agenda: January 2022

# News

PCC Agenda: January 2022

Meeting of St Denys PCC


Date: January 18th 7.30pm

Note change to original meeting location: Meeting on Zoom (and Link) - 


Meeting ID: 895 5258 3798

Passcode: 983340

1-Opening Prayer


3-Corrections and confirmation of the minutes of previous meeting

4-Matters arising

5-Ministry Matters 

- a) Review of Advent & Christmas - (feedback from PCC members on effectiveness of key services and activities) 

- b) GLM -  Final review of the strategy document & Planning for the Bishop's visit. - (Document available in PCC folder *2022-01-08 Meeting Documents)

- c) Mission Partners (including decisions on who to give the tithe to) - (written report by GLM for discussion)

- d) Update on current Covid management (including in-person meetings) - (Sera to give verbal report)

6-Standing Items

  • - Policies - Safeguarding Policy Document (Sera & Janine to produce written report)

7-PCC Sub Groups

  • -Site Management - (Sue to give report if available) 
  • - Digital Engagement - (Sera to give verbal report)

8-Finance Update 

- Andy to give written report.

- Decision required regarding staff annual remuneration (CPI) - Andy to give verbal report for discussion by PCC.

9 - AOB: 

Date of the Next Meetings: 

-Special meeting:1st February, in person with Bishop Debbie. (in person) Agenda to be agreed with Bishop Debbie beforehand. Mike to ask Bishop Debbie how she would like to approach the meeting. 

-Next normal meeting: 15th March (final meeting before APCM)

-Date of the APCM to be confirmed by March 1st Standing Committee (and whether on Zoom or in person)

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