A Way To Give Regularly - The Parish Giving Scheme

A Way To Give Regularly - The Parish Giving Scheme

A Way To Give Regularly - The Parish Giving Scheme

# News

A Way To Give Regularly - The Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme is a great way to regularly give to the church, and it has now be made much easier as it can now be done online.

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an established service for managing Direct Debit donations, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. It reduces the burden of work on church volunteers and provides a simple and secure service to donors

To give to St Denys via the Parish Giving Scheme...

This link will take you straight to the St Denys Church page of the Parish Giving Scheme and then simple click on the 'Give Now' button.

Or copy and paste this web address:


To find out more about the Parish Giving Scheme...

The homepage of the Parish Giving Scheme is available through this linkand will tell you more about the organisation and give some examples of how it has helped churches. 

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