02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC meeting 20th July @7.30pm
PCC meeting 20th July @7.30pm
# News
PCC meeting 20th July @7.30pm
Agenda for PCC Meeting 20th July at 7.30pm
Online via zoom
1-Opening Prayer
2- Apologies
3- Corrections and confirmation of minutes of the meeting on 18th May 2021
4- Matters arising
5- PCC Arrangements
a) Welcome to new members
b) PCC meetings (online vs. offline)
c) Appoint church secretary and lay chair
6- Ministry Matters
a) Services and Covid-19 restrictions. (Sera)
b) Giving including changes to methods of giving including card machine (Andy)
7- Standing items
a) Deanery Synod update
b) GDPR: Update on full review of ChurchDesk data
c) Safeguarding and safer recruitment: New Volunteer Roles- Children and Families Ministry Coordinator & Older People’s Pastoral Ministry (Care Homes)
d) Policies – review of Policy Programme to ensure policies are created and renewed and scheduled as such. 4 below are due for renewal. 19 need to be created. (Policy programme file in meeting docs.) i) Policy Statement for Work & Personnel, ii) Statement of Safeguarding policy, iii) Safer recruiting policy, iv) Data privacy policy
8 - Working groups
a) Web presence update
b) Site management: including vestry info and consultation on parking (Sue)
c) Global and local mission: report/strategy including approval on key areas of focus and change to tithing (Tim)
9 - Finance update
10 - Any other business
Next meeting: Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm