A Dead Good Day Out - 18th May 2024

A Dead Good Day Out - 18th May 2024

A Dead Good Day Out - 18th May 2024

# News

A Dead Good Day Out - 18th May 2024

Sat May 18th, A Dead Good Day Out, St Denys Church  11am - 5pm 

Brought to us by the Free entry for family friendly activities looking at Death, Dying and Loss.

Throughout the day:
Advance Care Planning,  Ichabods,    Simon Says, 
Willow coffin weaving,  Music,    La La Club Impro singing.
Art exhibition,  Book Displays,   Felt Shrouds, 
Coffin painting, local services,    Funeral planning, 

10 min Death Bite Talks

11.45-12.15 & 1.30-2.00

Palliative Care,  'What to Say?',  Wills,
Family Funeral fights,   Death Dummies,  Greener & Cheaper.


Book in on the day, if lots of folks want to do the Planning for End of Life, Anita might run an earlier session too at 2.15 - 3.00 in the meeting Room

Workshop 1 The Meeting Room - 12.30 -1.25
How To Be With The Dying

A workshop with Jo Wilson, Specialist Nurse with experience in Lung Cancer & Palliative Care and Antonia Rolls, artist, author and soul midwife.Jo and Antonia discuss, amongst other things, what to expect when someone is dying, what actually happens, managing expectations and dismantling fear.Antonia will touch on stories from her exhibition of portraits and words from the end of life, A Graceful Death, and Jo will talk of her experiences as a Nurse Specialist

Workshop 2 in the Main Church - 2.00 – 3.25
‘OMG, Barbie’s Dead' ! 

Come and help the Barbies and Kens work out how Barbie could have died and help them organise and hold a funeral she would just die for and discover, in a fun and creative way, some of the many steps involved in organising a funeral. Led by Join with Helen Corvus, Funeral Celebrant & Artist. Fun and fascinating for both adults and accompanied children, who fancy a bit of 'Dead Good Play'.

Workshop 3 in the Meeting Room - 3.30 - 4.15 
'Planning for the End of Life '

What a makes a good end of life plan?... and why everyone needs one. We will explore what matters most to you and take the first step to creating your own plan. Please bring a notebook and pen.Anita's Dying To Tell You is working to make end-of-life plans as commonplace as birth plans. “We promote death literacy and encourage open and honest conversations about death and dying. We aim to educate people about end-of-life matters and empower them to plan ahead”. With Anita Sloan who has worked and volunteered in bereavement support services for over 25 years. 

(possibly additional workshop at 2.15 if interest registered early in day.)

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