Welcoming Christmas Visitors

Welcoming Christmas Visitors

Welcoming Christmas Visitors

# Christmas

Welcoming Christmas Visitors
We’ve been inspired by a lovely tradition originating in Mexico. It’s called ‘Posada’ and it’s a Christmas activity when small versions of Mary & Joseph travel around different households in the community and stay there for one night.

On Christmas Eve the figures return to church as everyone gets ready to welcome the Christ child once again.

Being St Denys, we’ve added a twist. It’s not just Mary & Joseph, but the other Christmas visitors who will be staying in people houses.

Each guest will be taking a travel log with them, containing prayers, reflections and space for households to add their own thoughts and pictures. 

Extracts from the Travel Logs

A Prayer for those Longing for a Safe Home

We pray for all those who are looking and longing for home

For refugees and asylum seekers who travel in hope of a place to settle 

For those who are struggling to survive on the streets or in temporary accommodation 

For those who are forced to leave their homes because of violence or war 

For those for whom home is a place of loneliness, risk or abuse.

God, refuge of the homeless 

May they find a place of safety and welcome And shelter in your loving care.

A Prayer of Blessing:

As we welcome these travellers in to our home . . .
We remember all those who are travelling tonight
We remember all those who are looking for rest and shelter tonight
We remember all those who care for and comfort those in need
May God bless us and all those we love as we journey with Mary and Joseph towards celebrating the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Amen

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