Water From A Deep Well- Bible Study Series

Water From A Deep Well- Bible Study Series

Water From A Deep Well- Bible Study Series

# Bible Blog

Water From A Deep Well- Bible Study Series

A we seek to grow as friends and followers of Jesus, there is so much to learn from those who have gone before us. Looking back at the spiritual life of our brothers & sisters in Christ ‘provides examples of how believers who lived in other times and places understood what it means to seek, know and experience God… As different as they are from us, these believers can teach us truths about the Christian faith that we have not yet learned or do not consider important.’ (from Sittser’s intro). 

 This series draws on Gerald Sittser’s book where he combines a studies of various Christian movements, which passages from the Bible and invites us to reflect on our own walk as friends and followers of Jesus. Each study will have an audio reflection describing aspects of a particular Christian spirituality, a Bible passage to reflect on and questions which particularly encourage application to our own lives

Session 1: Belonging- Early Christian Communities

A) Session Notes - available here B) Audio Reflection available here, C) Bible Passage available here

Session 2: Struggle-The Desert Saints

A) Session Notes - available here, B) Audio Reflection - available here C) Bible Passage - available here

Session 3: Rhythm - Monasticism

A) Session Notes -available here, B) Audio Reflection -available here, C) Bible Passage -available here

Session 4: Ordinariness- The Medieval Laity (You may want to skip this session if you have limited time)

A) Session Notes - available here, B) Audio Reflection  - available here, C) Bible Passage  - available here

Session 5: Union- The Mystics

A) Session Notes - available here, B) Audio Reflection - available here, C) Bible Passage - available here

Session 6: Word- The Reformers

A) Session Notes - resources coming soon, B) Audio Reflection, C) Bible Passage

Session 7: Conversion- Evangelicals

A) Session Notes - resources coming soon, B) Audio Reflection, C) Bible Passage

Session 8: Risk- Pioneers

A) Session Notes - resources coming soon, B) Audio Reflection, C) Bible Passage

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