PCC Agenda- September 19th

PCC Agenda- September 19th

PCC Agenda- September 19th

# News

PCC Agenda- September 19th

Meeting of the St Denys PCC to be held on Tuesday 19th Sept 2023

in the meeting room in the Church Centre 7.30.


1-      Opening Prayer

2-      Apologies for absence

3-     Corrections and confirmation of the minutes of  18th July 2022.

Matters arising:

4-     People Matters

  •  Values and Priorities: Focus on Growth Groups: A time of prayer, reflection & discussion on the question: How do we develop Growth Groups (Small Groups and Explorer groups)
  • Communion Wine discussion of the question ‘Can we switch to non-alcoholic wine as standard?’ - see report in folder by Andrew Mortimore 'Proposal to PCC on Non-alcoholic wine'           

5       Standing Items

Deanery Synod

Safeguarding Report (and reminder to sign up to Safeguarding Training via this form

Risk Assessment & Policies group -

Staffing/Employment Updates –

6-     PCC Sub Groups

Site Management –


7-     Finance Update – this will include discussion of charity status & trustee responsibilities with report by Hannah Discussion re Charity Status.

8       AOB: -

Date of the Next Meetings:

2023 dates for your diary

Standing Committee   for        PCC

7th Nov                                      21st Nov

Saturday 28th October the Diocese and St Denys’ Safeguarding team will be delivering in person, the training required for the PCC and members of the Church not having yet done the required training for their voluntary roles. 9.45 coffee with a prompt 10am start until 1pm. Please keep the date free if you have not done the online training. The link is here for signing up

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