Wine, Water and Wind: 6 part Bible Study Series

Wine, Water and Wind: 6 part Bible Study Series

Wine, Water and Wind: 6 part Bible Study Series

# Small Group Material

Wine, Water and Wind: 6 part Bible Study Series

When Jesus initiated the crazy idea of entrusting a ragamuffin group of his friends & followers to continue his world-changing mission, he didn’t leave them empty-handed (wide-mouthed maybe, but not empty -handed). Wine, water and wind represent the gifts that would anchor, enable and shape the mission and character of Christ’s followers to this day. These gifts are rooted in the story of God’s people from the start and have taken many different forms and expression since Christ gave them.

And so, as we reflect on our calling as disciples of Christ, we explore these gifts so that we might be shaped afresh for our place in Christ’s mission today. We will look at some of their roots in the Old Testament, and also how they fitted into the early churches in the New Testament. And our audio reflections will draw on insights from across time and space to see how Christ’s followers have woven these gifts into their lives more recently.

Session Resources:

Session 1: The Gift of Wine & a Meal, part 1 - The Passover

Resources : a) Session Notes, available here b) Bible Passage, available here c) Audio Reflection available here

Session 2: The Gift of Wine & a Meal, part 2 - The Lord's Supper

Resources: a) Session Notes available here, b) Bible Passage available here, c) Audio Reflection available here

Session 3: The Gift of Water - The Jordan River

Resources: a) Session Notes, available here b) Bible Passage, available here c) Audio Reflection available here

Session 4: The Gift of Water - Baptism & Some Deep Truths

Resources: a) Session Notes available here, b) Bible Passage available here, c) Audio Reflection available here

Session 5: The Gift of Wind & the Spirit - The Spirit in Action in the Old Testament

Resources: a) Session Notes, available here b) Bible Passage, available here c) Audio Reflection, available here

Session 6: The Gift of Wind & the Spirit, part 2 - Holy Spirit & The Friends & Followers of Jesus

Resources: a) Session Notes, available here, b) Bible Passage, available here c) Audio Reflection available here

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