8 Ways to Help in the Coming Weeks

8 Ways to Help in the Coming Weeks

8 Ways to Help in the Coming Weeks

# News

8 Ways to Help in the Coming Weeks

There are a number of tasks that need to be done so that the church can continue to run smoothly, be welcoming, and celebrate Christmas! There are 8 listed below. It would be great if a few people could identify a task from the list below that they feel they could commit to reliably doing over the next few weeks.

A few introductory comments:

  • We need people to take on these tasks from mid-November.
  • The tasks below are currently done by Martin or Sera. By people taking on some of the tasks Sera does, she will be able to work with Andy C & Andrew to oversee the transition and work towards appointing and enabling a new Operations Coordinator.
  • The aim is that the Operational Tasks, are taken on by the Operations Coordinator once in post. This could be in 6 to 12 weeks. Other tasks can be reviewed and either retained, given back to Sera or shared with someone else after 6 to 12 weeks.
  • Sera and others will be available to offer support and guidance. 
  • It would be great if a person would be willing to do all the tasks described in the area of responsibility, thus ensuring a good level of functioning.
  • A huge thanks to those who have already volunteered to help with finances & payments; resourcing services & tidying of the kids' areas. 
  • If no one volunteers for the operational tasks, then Sera and other core team will have to stop some of their current activity to make sure core functions happen. 

Operational Tasks:

Responsibility 1: Handling of Hirers and Bookings

Update: Volunteer Found

  • Tasks: a) Monitor email, Church Desk and phone communication to ensure all hiring enquiries and bookings and changes are responded to; b) Liaise with hirers to clarify costs, payments, resources needed etc.; c) Maintain the Church Desk calendar so it has an up-to-date record of hirers and the particular resources they need; d) Give a weekly update to the Site Duty Team (caretaker and volunteer site assistants) so they know what is needed in terms of unlocking, set up, resources and clear away.
  • Skills, time and qualities needed: 2 x 2-hour sessions a week in the church office each week (approx); competency with using computers for admin; good communication skills in written and spoken form; attention to detail; able to commit to regular sessions.
  • Resources provided: Access to the church office, training on Church Desk; access to the church email, use of the church computer & phone

Responsibility 2: Coordinating regular & emergency site maintenance

  • Tasks: a) Ensure regular and emergency site maintenance happens (focusing particularly on the Church Centre, but also where necessary liaising with Site Maintenance Team for Old Church) – and thus be prepared to be aware of church contractors, a calendar of scheduled works and also to check the site weekly. b) Be able to advise on trouble-shooting provision of key utilities & centre services (gas, electricity, water, broadband, waste collection) – and thus be prepared to gain a working knowledge of how utilities function on site.
  • Skills, time and qualities needed: 1-2 hours a week to check the state of the site (especially the church centre) and to liaise with any contractors; reachable by phone at times in the week to liaise about important repairs or maintenance. Enough practical awareness to know who to ask for help.
  • Resources provided: The Operations Handbook has contact details of contractors, codes, access points etc. Church keys can be provided if needed. 

Responsibility 3: Coordinating the Site Duty Team - for access and security

  • Task: Create a rota for the Site Duty Team (comprising of volunteers and the caretaker) to ensure the site is open, resources are set up and the site is locked as appropriate 6-7 days a week; include on the rota the member of the team holding the emergency phone; liaise with the Hirer coordinator weekly to ensure there is an up-to-date weekly list of the timings, rooms and resources needed.
  • Skills, time and qualities needed: An hour a week (max) plus a couple of hours to every few weeks to create the rota; ability to think logistically, to communicate clearly and to pay attention to detail all help.
  • Resources provided: volunteers on the Site Duty Team & their contact details; access and training for Church Desk; an emergency phone, the Operational Handbook, church keys if needed. 

Other Tasks:

Responsibility 4: Tidying the Kids' Areas & Creating Kid-friendly Displays: 

Update: Volunteer found!

  • Task: Making sure the kids' areas in the church (by the big table, soft chairs and in the Den) are tidy, welcoming and that the resources are accessible and orderly. 
  • Skills, time or qualities needed: Half an hour a week (approx.) 
  • Resources provided: Access to the church; space to store things (in the Cubes in the Den); the materials created by the kids that could be displayed.

Responsibility 5: Joining the Site Duty Team, and helping to lock, unlock and set up rooms for hirers.

  • Task: Join the rota to unlock the church centre and rooms as required; ensure there is the right equipment; and lock up rooms and the centre.
  • Skills, time or qualities needed: Availability on a Saturday approximately once a month; flexibility that allows to get to the church at different times (sometimes in the morning, afternoons and possibly night-time); willingness to hold the emergency phone for some days in the month; reliability & punctuality is essential.
  • Resources provided: other Site Duty Members; key to the church; Operational Handbook with info on codes, alarms etc.

Responsibility 6: Coordinating the Decoration of the Church for Christmas (and their removal after)

  • Task: Ordering the Christmas trees, checking the decorations, liaising with Frank, Vikki and others re plans, ensuring that people decorate the tree and the church appropriately in time for Christmas services (before Dec 9th)
  • Skills, time and qualities needed: A few hours at the end of Nov/early December and a few hours in early January. Ability to work with a mix of people and consider what's appropriate and possible in church. Awareness of risks and safety measures.
  • Resources provided: the church pays for the trees; we have lots of boxes of decorations. 

Responsibility 7: Joining a team that does the Creation 'pause for thoughts'

  • Task: Come along to Creation (every three weeks), every 2 or 3 sessions prepare and deliver a 3 minute 'pause for thought' inspired by faith and creativity. 
  • Skills, time and qualities needed: An hour preparation every few weeks; a willingness to offer some insight to a mixture of people (some Christians, some not)
  • Resources provided: encouragement & a cuppa!

Responsibility 8: Support for Use of Audio-visual Resources

  • Task: a) Ensuring there is a functioning laptop and projector set up and workable in all services (priority being when Sera is on leave); b) Being available to set up projectors/ sound/ laptops when required by hirers
  • Skills, time and qualities needed: Infrequently needed (on Sundays when Sera on leave), infrequently at weekends/Friday evenings to set up for weekend hirers; comfortable understanding of projectors/laptops etc so that problem-solving can happen; reliability essential 
  • Resources provided: access to the church projector, church mobile amp, lots of cables, note- we do not currently have a spare amp!

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