A New Chapter: Martin's Moving on to Wimborne Minster

A New Chapter: Martin's Moving on to Wimborne Minster

A New Chapter: Martin's Moving on to Wimborne Minster

# News

A New Chapter: Martin's Moving on to Wimborne Minster

A New Chapter

We're entering a new chapter at St Denys Church as Martin Smith will be moving on to a full-time job in Wimborne Minster at the end of November. Martin has worked at the church for 12 years and has been part of the St Denys church family and community for more than double that time.

Do read Martin's message below to find out more about his new chapter

Could you add a comment for Martin to our Virtual Book of Comments?

We'd love to put together a Book of Comments from the wide range of people who have been part of Martin's story here in St Denys - whether you are hirers, worshippers, volunteers, someone with a random idea that found impetus with Martin, or one of the many people who simply popped into the church for a particular reason and found a listening ear. 

It would be great if you could write a comment: just click here and write your name, connection to Martin and your comment. Closing date 16th November

Next Steps for St Denys Church

We are hoping to appoint an Operations Coordinator and will be advertising in the coming days. More information will be available from October 21st, so do take a look and spread the word if you know someone who might be a great fit for the role.

Meanwhile there'll be a time of transition, and we'll be needing a few volunteers to take on some key responsibilities to help things run smoothly, especially in the run up to Christmas. If you'd like to find out more about these areas, please contact Sera (ministry@stdenys.com) or Vikki (wardens@stdenys.com)

We are so grateful for all the ways Martin has shaped the life and ministry of St Denys, and we pray that he flourishes in the next chapter.

Sera & Vikki

A Message from Martin 

Dear all,

In June of this year, I applied for and was offered the role of Deputy Verger at the C of E Parish Church of St Cuthburga at Wimborne Minster in Dorset, initially for three days a week and a half day each Sunday. 

I accepted this offer, and with the blessing of the ministry and management teams here at St Denys I have been doing that Thursday – Sunday since July 7th. This arrangement has worked well and has enabled me to maintain my commitment to St Denys, still in the operational ‘front seat’ in terms of running the office, managing the site and developing relationships within the community we serve. With the valuable help of colleagues and volunteers at the end, I have been in the office Monday – Wednesday and between us we have introduced new systems and practises that enable everything here to continue running smoothly forward. 

 I am delighted to report that my period of introduction to the job at Wimborne Minster has now passed successfully, and I have been offered a permanent contract. Alongside this, my personal circumstances have also changed, and I now have accommodation in nearby Poole that enables me to commit fully to this new role. With that in mind, I have handed in notice that I will be resigning from my post at St Denys Church & Centre effective from the 30th of November. With two weeks annual leave ahead of that, my last day in the office will be Wednesday 16th November.

After 12 years of employed service, 25 years of worship and 28 years living in St Denys it has not been an easy decision to move on. But after much prayer and reflection, I feel strongly that I am called to this new job which will enable my own ‘ministry’ to develop and my service to God’s work can grow into and bless a different place.

It has been an honour and has never ceased to be a humbling joy to work in His name alongside you all, for an organisation that will always be in my heart... I will really miss everyone, and I offer my sincere thanks for the support, encouragement, fun and positive mission we have shared over those years.

May the Holy Spirit continue to pour light and hope on St Denys Church. May His love shine bright among you, and upon you all.

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