Grace Connections - Bible Study Series

Grace Connections - Bible Study Series

Grace Connections - Bible Study Series

# Small Group Material

Grace Connections - Bible Study Series

Grace Connections

4-part Bible Study Series with resources - available below.


Grace. It’s a word that’s used a lot in some Christian circles, whilst as the same time it seems to be off-the-radar for many people in the West. (Feel free to debate this opening statement in your small group!). 

And it’s got me wondering: What would it be like to look beyond the acronyms, one-line definitions and popular hymns of grace, to plunge the riches of grace found in the stories and encounters of Jesus? And, in what ways could grace resonate with the needs and interests of ordinary folk we know or meet, for whom Christianity feels pretty irrelevant.

This 4-part series is an opportunity to explore these wonderings as we look at people who connected with Christ's grace in the Bible, reflect on the ways grace can connect deeply with our own lives, and consider how grace could connect profoundly and beautifully with folks in the 21st Century.

Our companion for the adventure is Philip Yancey and his book ‘Vanishing Grace'.* In the opening chapter he writes ‘Jesus granted his followers the immense privilege of dispensing God’s grace to a thirsty world. As one who has drunk deeply of that grace, I want to offer it to a world adrift. How can we communicate truly good news to a culture running away from it?’ In each session, we’ll draw on some of his insights which you can wrangle and discuss, before delving into the stories and experiences in the Bible where people connected with God’s grace.

*'Vanishing Grace' Philip Yancey 2014 Zondervan


Sessions & Resources

Session 1: The Grace Disconnect
  • Yancey’s insights: ‘Problems & Thirst’
  • Connecting with Christ’s Grace: The Woman at the Well – John 4:1-42
  • Resources available: a) Leader notes here, b) Audio Reflection here, c) Bible Passage here.

Session 2: Grace Foundations
  • Yancey’s Insights: ‘Love & Grace-filled Actions’
  • Connecting with Christ’s Grace: The Prodigal Son – Luke 15:11-32
  • Resources available a) Leader notes here, b) Audio Reflection here, c) Bible Passage here

Session 3: Grace Dispensers
  • Yancey’s Insights: ‘Activists, Artists & Pilgrims’
  • Connecting with Christ’s Grace: Ordinary People in action - Luke 1-11, 25-41
  • Resources available: a) Leader notes here, b) Audio Reflection here, c) Bible Passage here

Session 4: Grace & Living Well
  • Yancey’s Insights: ‘How Should We Live?’
  • Connecting with Christ’s Grace: A Whole Bunch of Sinners! – John 8:1-11
  • Resources available soon: a) Leader notes here, b) Audio Reflection here, c) Bible Passage here

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