Updates from Cat & Sam, David & Christine

Updates from Cat & Sam, David & Christine

Updates from Cat & Sam, David & Christine

# News

Updates from Cat & Sam, David & Christine

Here's our May update from two of our Mission Partners who are Making Disciples:

Cat and Sam

A very busy term (ordination training) has finished for Cat, and Sam has a new-found passion for ancient Greek which he is studying!  Prayers answered for some really good friendships with others in the college community.  

Cat reports 'In terms of update I can officially say I have now handed in my final essay of this year! (Cue dancing around the room ecstatically) I am so relieved and it has been great to take the time post essay madness to look back on the last year and see how much I have managed in just a few months!'

Please pray for:

  • church exploration and housing for the next academic year. 
  • Cat taking on the role as access and inclusion officer for the student community at Trinity college. Cat says 'It is a big role that I think I could do well but prayer for myself as I take it on alongside studies would be very much appreciated.'

The Torrances

By way of an update, David, Christine and John have been visiting Christine's family in the USA to say goodbye (one more time!), and have just returned to the UK.  After a brief visit to Oxford to fill in a lot of paperwork they will be back in Scotland for final preparations. David writes: “Our best guess is that we will be in Tanzania (wherever we will be doing our language training - information on that is the key thing we are waiting on now, before we can then start sorting flights and visas) from August or September, and then 3-4 months later moving in to Kondoa to get adjusted, continue with our culture and language training before I'm judged competent to start taking on teaching in Kiswahili (I'm guessing that will be September 2023, but hopefully I can be useful to the college in other ways before I can start taking on a proper teaching load)”

 For themselves:

·         More of the Holy Spirit, to make decisions with love, obedience, and wisdom

·         Grace as we say goodbye well to people and places we love

·         God’s blessing on our future friends and neighbours, preparing us for authentic relationships

For Kondoa (in N Tanzania, where they will be based):

David also reminds us to be praying for the situation in Kondoa itself: “Sadly provision during drought seems to be a nearly perennial prayer in Kondoa as climate change is felt hardest in very dry regions of sub-Saharan Africa like Kondoa. Perhaps when St Denys prays for environmental concerns Kondoa might be a salient link for people, as it (and the Ukraine war) affects very poor people's ability to buy food to survive”.



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